A New Approach to Security Using Permission Sets
We recently had the opportunity to design and implement permissions for a brand new Salesforce project - we took a new approach to this old problem by using Permission Sets to design our security model from the very start.
Netlfix "Qwik"ley Drops the Ball
A look at some of the recent Netflix policy changes, reversals, and fumbles in this new era of streaming media.
Device Apathy
With the winter season before us and technology manufacturers pumping out new products, what do we want, and how does the cloud make it possible?
Tick Tock Timeline - Episode #63 of CloudFocus Weekly
Opening up the Weekly Review, what does touch.salesforce.com do to Unlimited, Facebook Timeline, Kindle FIre and do.com as well as our App Picks of the Week.
A Little Weekly Review Goes a Long Way
An indepth look at my Getting Things Done® weekly review process with some tips to help improve yours.
Winter '12 Release Rapid Reaction
Here is a rapid reaction to the Salesforce.com Winter '12 release.
Compliance Locker
A quick case study on compliance as it relates to Salesforce.com's Chatter product and a free tool by Arkus that can solve the requirements.
Dreamforce for Newbies: A Recount of #DF11 from Fresh Eyes
Dreamforce '11 marked my first exposure to the wonders of Salesforce's annual convention, and I am recalling my experiences and advice.
Dreamforce 11 Survival Guide - #DF11
With over a handful of Dreamforces under my belt and Dreamforce 11 just a few days away, it is time to break down a survival guide for the 30,000+ people about to swarm on Moscone.
Perspectives on Attending Dreamforce
I have attended Dreamforce the last three years making this year my fourth in a row. This will however be the first time I am attending as an employee of the same company for back to back years. I have a unique outlook on the Dreamforce experience ranging from Large Enterprise to Startup Consulting partner.