Features That Need Some Love
I’ve been working with for about seven years now and over those seven years the platform has grown immensly. With that growth there are some features that have been left behind and need some love.
Making Meetings Meaningful
Are meetings the bane of your existence? Here are some thoughts on making meetings easier and more meaningful.
Unorthodox Salesforce Email-to-Case
Focusing on an alternative and unorthodox use of Salesforce’s Email-to-Case feature, for logging emails sent to a distribution list.
Arkus Fun Facts
Some fun facts about Arkus that you may or may not know.
A Client Site Visit to Mumbai's Slums
Going onsite to the other side of the globe to see the children that benefit from donations to Pratham USA, a client of Arkus.
Ideas on Lead Conversion
As a big fan of the True to the Core movement I have been thinking about a core function to Sales Force Automation (remember that phrase?) that hasn’t been touched in a while - Lead Conversion. Here are some Ideas on Lead conversion that would make all the sense in the world to incorporate into’s Sales Cloud.
Mastering Salesforce Custom Buttons - Part 1
The first of two parts in taking a look at creating custom buttons inside of Salesforce.
Why Sales Teams Should Be Excited About Summer '13
Three features from Summer ‘13 every sales team should be excited about and why.
Permission Sets for Summer 13
A look at some of the new Permission Sets that are available or newly useful in the Salesforce Summer 13 release.
Salesforce Summer 13 Release Notes Rapid Reaction
Once again Salesforce has a large release scheduled for Summer 13 - here are some of my favorite features.