4 More Hidden GTD® Project Categories
A look at the GTD® project categories that might not seem so obvious
Midwest Appreciatin'
I was thrilled to be a part of the Midwest Dreamin’ (MWD17) planning team this year, and experiencing the other end of one of these community dreamin’ events has given me an even greater appreciation of them.
Mind-Body Fitness and Salesforce
Let's be Real about Salesforce Sandboxes
Practical arguments for why (and how) to configure responsibly.
PepUp Tech Salesforce Bootcamp - A Rewarding Experience
A quick recap and some realizations after volunteering as a lead teacher on the last day of the four day Salesforce BootCamp organized by PepUp Tech and hosted by Monroe College.
Utilizing Salesforce Ohana to Become a Successful Salesforce Professional
Ways in which to utilize the Salesforce Ohana (family) and other resources to be a successful Salesforce professional.
Risks of Self Implementing Salesforce
A look into some of the risks associated when deciding on whether to self implement Salesforce.
Customize Your Chatter Feed with Streams
How a small quality-of-life change in Chatter can make a big difference to your Chatter feed and your inbox.
Family GTD®
A look at incorporating Getting Things Done® (GTD) into your family life, from significant others to offspring.
TrailheaDX - Is This Dreamforce For Developers?
TrailheaDX is a great addition to the Salesforce event calendar, focused on developers and with lots of great content. Several exciting announcements came out of the conference. Overall, I think it could focus a bit more tightly.