Backing Up Is Hard to Do
A look at backing up in the age of cloud computing and internet storage and some strategies to help keep everything safe
Setting Knowledge Free Using Solutions
For years Salesforce has provided the ability to create a knowledge base using Solutions which attach and interact with Cases. In Service Cloud 3 Solutions aren't even mentioned because the Knowledge product has taken over but Knowledge isn't free - so how can you use Solutions in a way that mimicks some of the Knowledge features and allows you to leverage your already existing investment in the platform?
CloudForce, Apple Announcements and Charlie Sheen
A look at a busy week of technology news, events and the growth of Twitter.
Using Chatter Like a Pro: Working It Into Your Workflow
The Spring '11 release of brought some new Chatter features that can bring your productivity and collaboration to new heights.
Ten Years of Innovation
A look at one of my favorite Marc Benioff keynote lines and reflection on three ways that technology has changed in the last 10 years and how it has really changed the way I live my life.
A Quick Review of the Chatter Superbowl Ad introduced Chatter to the world during the Superbowl. This is a quick look at what was good, not so good and what's hopefully next.
Avoiding Email Bankruptcy with Smart Folders & Flags
A take on starting off the new year right, without going bankrupt on your email.
Watson Beyond Jeopardy
Watson is a supercomputer built by IBM to understand and solve the question and answer problem facing computers today. They plan to demonstrate it's capabilities by playing a game of Jeopardy against past grand champions.
iPhone: The Clone Wars
The iPhone is now available on the Verizon network. Here are some thoughts about how this might impact the marketplace and will it have a negative or positive effect on the service of both Verizon and AT&T.
The Top 7 Spring '11 Features Worth the Wait
While it seems like we just got through the Winter '11 release from, here comes Spring '11 with a bucket full of enhancements. Here are the seven that I am pretty excited about.