Salesforce, Arkus, and the Ethos of Giving Back
Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, once expressed in Forbes, “Companies can do more than just make money, they can serve others. The business of business is improving the state of the world.” Aligning with this ethos, the founders of Arkus instilled this purpose into their work from the outset, prioritizing service to the non-profit sector and offering cost-effective, high-quality consulting to empower partners to maximize their Salesforce investments. However, their aspirations for positive change extend beyond external clients; internally, they are dedicated to fostering a culture of giving back and supporting our team members as individuals.
Hiring Our Heroes
As a military spouse for the past two decades, I've navigated countless moves across the country and even overseas, disrupting my ability to establish a stable career. Some relocations were anticipated, while others came unexpectedly yet all were beyond my control. Each new location meant starting from scratch - losing my professional network, established reputation, and often the opportunity to pursue the same type of work due to evolving experience and education requirements in different areas. Unfortunately, this struggle is not uncommon among military spouses - contributing to an alarming 22% unemployment rate, which is two to four times higher than that of civilian counterparts. Furthermore, despite 45% of military spouses holding a bachelor's degree or higher, many still face underemployment rates as high as 31.6%.
My own challenges were further compounded when, just three months after relocating at the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic struck. While the pandemic affected everyone, it exacerbated the already dire employment situation for many military spouses, and I was no exception.
Despite tirelessly searching for opportunities and applying for jobs that aligned with my diverse background, I encountered little success - especially in securing interviews for positions similar to those I held at our previous duty station. However, in February of last year, my fortunes began to change when I discovered a military fellowship program sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce non-profit, Hiring Our Heroes (HOH). Since its inception in 2011, HOH has been dedicated to improving the employment landscape for military spouses, embodying the principle of creating positive change championed by leaders like Benioff. Therefore, it was fitting that one of the fellowship programs they offered was in the Salesforce ecosystem.
Salesforce Fellowship
Upon discovering this incredible opportunity, I dedicated myself to preparation, study, and commitment to qualify for the fall HOH Salesforce Fellowship cohort. I successfully obtained my Salesforce Admin Certification in May and began the fellowship interview process by mid-June. It was through the advocacy of one of Arkus's current employees, also a military spouse, that Arkus first learned about this fellowship. Arkus had already been actively providing opportunities to individuals transitioning careers, including military spouses, through other programs like the Salesforce Pathfinder program. The HOH Fellowship program fit right in with the Arkus culture and company goals. The emphasis on the value of giving back, ingrained in the broader Salesforce Ecosystem, that I saw in Arkus, resonated deeply with me. I was thrilled to embark on my fellowship journey with a company that seemed to walk the talk.
My experience at Arkus has exceeded my expectations. I have found a nurturing environment that has not only allowed me to leverage my past experiences but has also encouraged me to grant myself patience and understanding as I navigate and grow in my new role. Moreover, I am privileged to work on projects alongside non-profit organizations dedicated to diverse causes that serve others. From assisting Habitat for Humanity in providing housing for families to supporting the Think Ability Initiative of the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin, and aiding parents in need through the National Diaper Bank, I am grateful for the meaningful impact our work achieves.
Paying it Forward
The reality is that everyone faces challenges in life. At some point, we all need a helping hand. What's remarkable is that businesses can thrive while also giving back to their communities. When a business embraces a higher purpose, success becomes not only achievable but also a means to uplift others. Arkus exemplifies this ethos through its actions, and I will forever be indebted to HOH and its partners, the mentors who guided me, and all those who extended their support to help me reach where I am today.
I am eager for the opportunity to contribute to the important work being done here at Arkus, to emulate the examples set before me, and to foster a culture of philanthropy not only within our organization but also among the clients we are fortunate to collaborate with. Together with my Arkus colleagues, I am committed to making a positive impact and working to spread the spirit of giving back throughout the world.
Are you exemplifying the change you want to see in the world? How do you give back? How have you benefited from someone else paying it forward?
I would love to hear about it! Connect with me on the Trailblazer Community or on LinkedIn. Connect with Arkus through our contact form, or get on our newsletter list using the sign-up in the sidebar to the right.