Summer 21 Ideas Delivered
Only 10 ideas have been delivered in this release. Compared to other past releases, it’s not a lot nor is the point total as big at a total of only 68,490. It doesn’t mean that Salesforce is starting to slack off on ideas, doesn’t mean they are ignoring them. Over the course of writing these blogs throughout several years of releases, I’ve found it really ebbs and flows when it comes to number of ideas and total points. Who knows, next time they may blow us out of the water! However, after all, shouldn’t it be more about quality than quantity? Here’s an abbreviated list of ideas for this release.
Control Access to Sensitive Data with Restriction Rules (Beta) - Let’s start with the highest point winner of this release at a collective 40,630 points! This is very beta at this point but this is going to solve the issue where if you set organization-wide default to Private, without restriction rules, users with access to an account can see its contracts, tasks, and events. For custom objects, users can see all detail records. Restriction rules let you configure truly private access for these objects. A combination of this idea, this idea, and this idea was delivered (two of which were posted 13 years ago).
Learn More with Email Reporting - You want answers to questions such as how effective the email outreach strategy is? Who sends the most effective emails? What percentage of emails are inbound vs. outbound? Use the new email messages custom report to answer those questions. Create a new Report Type and use the Email Messages as the primary object. As the second largest point receiver at 17,390 for a combination of this idea and this idea (wow, again the oldest being 14 years old!)
Enable Topics for Objects in Lightning Experience Setup - Topics provide a way for your users to organize records by theme. Not a big one in my mind but now you can enable topics for objects by going to Setup > Topics for Objects. A whopping 80 points on this one spanning 2 ideas.
There are a few more, nothing earth-shattering in my opinion, so that’s it for this release as far as the ones I’d like to point out. Stay tuned for the next ideas delivered post in the next release.
Do you have other favorite Ideas delivered in this latest release I didn’t mention? Please feel free to comment directly at me on Twitter @LeiferAshley or in the Trailblazer Community.