Top Ideas on the IdeaExchange in Spring 20
The releases throughout 2019 gave us a lot of great features and delivered on many ideas. But as ideas get delivered, new ideas pop up! The IdeaExchange community continues to propose some great ideas. Let’s review some of my top ideas for voting up.
Page Layouts - Rules to Show, Hide, and/or make Fields/Sections Required
This is a personal favorite of mine. It would be fantastic to be able to dynamically show fields on a record based on certain rules set by business processes. This is something that has come up many times when working with clients and I know they would all be very happy to see this idea get delivered.
New Standard Field Type: Address
This is another request that comes in from clients frequently. The ability to create a new field of the type address would be received with open arms. The standard address fields are great, but oftentimes these fields are either not enough or needed in different places.
Related List Sorting - More Than One Choice
This is a feature that I would love to have implemented. One choice is not always going to work and right now, the workaround is to implement a third-party application. That’s not ideal and making the feature a part of the platform would be great.
Inline Editing for Related Lists
Users can do this with list views, why not related lists too? Implementing this idea would provide users a quick way to update related records directly from the related list. This would make for a lot of happy users and an improved user experience.
Ability to Print Reports to PDF
Exporting to Excel is not always going to be enough. Printing a report as a PDF would make for a nice improvement to Salesforce analytics. The ability to share a report as a PDF with people who are not Salesforce users would be a big enhancement.
What do you think of these ideas? What else do you think should be added or improved upon? Share your ideas or thoughts with me in the Trailblazer Community, or to me directly via Twitter at @RyanOwensRPO.