Spring 20 Release Highlights
Winter 20 has come and gone and Spring 20 is upon us! That can only mean one thing - the Spring 20 Release Notes are officially out. 2019 provided us with some great releases, and Spring 20 continues the trend. Let’s take a look at some items that jumped off the page to me in this new release.
Turn On Lightning Experience Critical Update Activates
The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! Spring 20 is going to be the release where all Salesforce orgs have the Lightning interface enabled. The ability to switch back to Classic will still be there, but Lightning will be on and users will be introduced to it. Salesforce reminds us consistently that Lightning is the future of the platform and if you haven’t made the switch officially, the time is now.
Clone Objects Along with Their Related Records
This feature is going to go a long way toward stronger user productivity. Many Salesforce users have been forced to go through the redundant flow of re-creating many child records following the cloning of a record. Now, they get to clone everything in one fell swoop. This is a big win here!
Navigate to a Record’s Create Page with Default Field Values
Spring 20 is going to provide administrators the ability to pass values into a record when it is created through a custom button or link. In the past, administrators may have had to create back-end automation that fired on record creation to automatically set values. This is a neat feature that is going to provide admins another, potentially more flexible way of accomplishing that.
Assign Tasks to a Queue to Share Work Efficiently
Chalk a big win up for team productivity. In Spring 20, Tasks will now be assignable to Queues. This means that a user that is a part of that Queue will be able to tackle that task - no more reassignments or delegations.
Combine Duplicate Cases with Case Merge
Another great feature that is finally generally available! A nice improvement and something that’s really cool about this feature is that you can now flip a setting to make a ‘Merged Cases’ related list available on Cases. This way, if you decide to keep the old records after merging, they will all be gathered and available inside of the related list.
What do you think of the Spring 20 release? Want to share your thoughts? Let me know what you think in the Trailblazer Community, or to me directly via Twitter at @RyanOwensRPO.