Spring 20 Ideas Delivered
23 ideas have been delivered in this release. It’s actually one more idea than Winter ‘20 (22), however, the points are a lot lower than the last release at 136,250 (Winter ‘20 was 215,130). Regardless of these comparisons, sometimes less is more, here are some of my favorite ideas delivered in this release.
Power Up Your Related Lists with Enhanced Related Lists (GA)
Um… So I actually noted this was in Beta in Summer ‘19, but now in Spring ‘20 it’s really GA! I think everyone is excited about this and probably already using it as of Summer ‘19; I know I am! In addition, the release notes state this works with the ‘Related Lists’ component, which includes the ‘Related List - Single’ component. In the related list type, select ‘Enhanced List’ and select how many records you want to display, and up to 10 columns (just like Classic). These settings apply to all of the related lists in this component. This idea was delivered and is the winner in this release for the points at 37,430.
Activities: Assign Tasks to a Queue to Share Work Efficiently
This is great and is the point winner for this release at 55,210 points. Now you can assign tasks to a queue, then individuals can take ownership of those tasks from the queue’s list view. In setup, when you create a queue, assign Task as the supported object. This Idea was delivered for this great new feature.
Clone Opportunities or Campaigns Along with Their Related Records
This ‘could’ be great but it’s not quite completely ‘there’. On the Campaign, for instance, you can only clone the Campaign Members, not other related lists. It would be great if you could also clone related custom objects, Campaign hierarchy, etc…. ‘Maybe’ that’s on it’s way? (Or we need to create another idea?). In any case this idea was delivered at 1,340 points.
Customize Account and Opportunity Team Related Lists
In Lightning now you can customize the related lists for Account and Opportunity Teams. Might seem minor, but every time Salesforce opens up the ability to customize more standard minor related lists, it’s a win for Administrators and end users. This idea was delivered at 1,340 points.
So that’s it for this release as far as the ones I’d like to point out. Stay tuned for the next ideas delivered post in the next release
Do you have other favorite Ideas delivered in this latest release I didn’t mention? Please feel free to comment directly at me on Twitter @LeiferAshley or in the Trailblazer Community.