Summer 19 Ideas Delivered
26 ideas have been delivered in the Summer ‘19 release. Doesn’t seem like a lot compared to Summer ‘18 where there was more than double that equaling 341,250 points! This time it’s 140,700 points which is still nothing to sneeze at. Regardless of these comparisons, here are some of my favorite ideas delivered in this release.
Zoom Through Related Lists with Quick Filters - This is a real nice to have feature when you’re ‘viewing all’ related list records. You can now filter on this screen data to look at a more specific list of records, however, keep in mind these filters aren’t saved and only persist during your current session. This idea was delivered with a nice large total of 19,590 points
Power Up Your Related Lists with Enhanced Related Lists (Beta) - Um…. Yes Please! I think everyone is looking forward to this but at this point it’s in beta. In addition, the release notes state this works with the ‘Related Lists’ component, I’m not sure that includes the ‘Related List - Single’ component which would be sad because I use the ‘Related List - Single’ component ALL THE TIME. In the related list type select ‘Enhanced List’ and select how many records you want to display and up to 10 columns (just like Classic). These settings apply to all of the related lists in this component. It certainly helps but I think this needs to apply to the single component as well, it’s a good start. This idea was delivered and is the winner in this release for the points at 35,370.
Show What You Mean in Emails with Images - Adding images to your email. It’s nice to have and good that Salesforce continues to support features emailing out of the platform. You can add from the web, your computer, or Salesforce files. This is combining two ideas totaling 14,940 points.
Use Enhanced Letterheads to Increase the Effectiveness of Lightning Email Templates - This is a nice step up from the Classic Letterhead. You used to only be able to add an image, change colors and the line width between sections. With Enhanced Letterhead you can now add images, text, links using the rich text editor. So many more options now! Not a lot of points at 1820 for this idea but it’s nice for those who would like to send out more professional emails from Salesforce.
Merge Cases into a Single Record (Beta) - For those who spend all their time in Cases this is a big win. Now you can merge two or three cases into one master and select which values you want to keep (just like you can do with Contacts). Again this is in beta so keep that in mind. There is now a “Merge Cases” list view button or the same button on a detail Case record which is now where you can perform this function. This idea was delivered with 25,070 points.
Evaluate Each Record in Reports with Row-Level Formulas (Beta) - Woop, Woop! I can’t remember how many times I’ve needed this capability building reports for clients. Again… beta… but we will now have the capability of creating a formula in reports on the row level, not the summary level. This will be great if you want to build a percentage based on other column values. The release notes provide the example of calculating the number of days based on two date fields. You need to enable this in the Setup Reports and Dashboards Settings menu. I would expect more points on this one, but there’s one idea at 12,680 points.
So that’s it for this release as far as the ones I’d like to point out. Stay tuned for the next ideas delivered post in the next release.
Do you have other favorite Ideas delivered in this latest release I didn’t mention? Please feel free to let me know directly on Twitter @LeiferAshley or in the Success Community.