Summer 18 Ideas Delivered
Wow… just… wow. Salesforce has really paid attention to the ideas in this last release. 65 ideas have been delivered in Summer ‘18, but the big ‘wow’ about it is the total number of points at 341,250. Of course, the majority are targeted to Lightning Experience now and most of these are due to the capabilities available with Lightning. Yes, we have passed that threshold. With this many points delivered, I would be remiss not to dive deeper into some of these ideas delivered...
Organizing your Report and Dashboard Folders in Lightning Experience - Yeah… subfolders! Now you can organize report and dashboard folders in Lightning. Enough Said. This idea was delivered with a whopping total of 70,460 points.
Demystified Process Errors for Your Users - I was just talking to a client about how to search for the flow ID from these errors by using workbench to troubleshoot what flow or process is causing issues. As much as I love workbench, no longer do you need to use it to search for the actual name of the flow or process causing errors. What a time saver! The Idea addressed by this feature had gathered a total of 24,430 points. Do you think it will be well received?
Send List Emails to Campaigns and Campaign Members - In viewing the full Campaign Member list for a specific Campaign you now have the option to ‘Send List Email’ to all or some of your campaign members. How great is that? This idea and this idea were both delivered for a total of 12,840 points.
Track Time with the Time Field Type (Generally Available) - Yes now it’s GA, but still you can’t use it with Process Builder… bummer! I seem to be using this field more and more and recently would have loved if it worked in a Process, oh well, another idea? Along with this come a few new functions like TIMENOW and TIMEVALUE. This idea was delivered at 7,760 points.
Create Copies of a Task for Colleagues - This is a nifty one; I was just walking through a training session with a client the other day whose instance was just updated to Summer ‘18 and not only walked through this but also found that there’s a default list view in Tasks for ‘Delegated’ tasks, so when you assign a task to another user you have a simple way of monitoring those tasks. Not only can you assign to another user but you can assign to a group as well. This idea was delivered at 6,600 points.
I could go on and on… so many great ideas delivered this time around. Things like printable view in reports, saving draft emails, being able to filter by ‘new values’ and ‘old values’ in history report types (that was 35,290 points by the way), inline editing with dependent picklists, etc…. Once again it proves Salesforce really pays attention to its community’s needs!
Do you have other favorite Ideas delivered in this latest release I didn’t mention? Please feel free to comment directly at me on Twitter @LeiferAshley or in the Success Community.