Top 10 Reasons to go to Dreamforce 2017
In most recent years, the end of September meant Dreamforce had come and gone but not this year! Starting November 6th and running through the 9th, we get to kick-off the Holiday season with 4 full days of technology innovation, special guest speakers, entertainment and inspiration. There looks to be over 170,000 people (Trailblazers) registered, so hopefully you aren’t one of the people who registered late and needs to stay by the airport. For the 6th year in row, here are the top 10 reasons to go to Dreamforce 2017.
#10 New Products! This year’s Einstein is...?
Last year Salesforce was all about Artificial Intelligence, with the announcement of Salesforce Einstein. Even though I expect to hear a lot more about that this year, I do expect there be some new product announcements. They more often than not aren’t ready for prime time, but they do give you a great glimpse into what is coming down the pike.
#9 Enhancements to Existing Products
Though we all love the new and shiny thing, hearing the enhancements to the existing technology can be just as exciting. We typically have to hit up the breakouts to hear a lot of them, but we are in store for some nice new efficiencies and enhancements that will save a lot of time and money.
#8 Keynote Speakers
There are few really big names headlining Dreamforce (see below), but there are others that will be great to hear as well. To name a few, Sylvia Acevedo (CEO, Girl Scouts of the USA), Jenna Hager (NBC’s Today), Barbara Bush (Co-Founder Global Health Corps), Kasper Rorsted (CEO, Adidas) and Cristina M. Jones (EVP 21st Century Fox) will take the stage to provide insights into business, economics and life in general. There will be more released I’m sure, but this is a great starting lineup.
#7 Dreamfest and UCSF Benefit featuring
Either there is an issue with the event or we are in for a big big surprise! Dreamforce always features big artists, like U2 who played Dreamfest last year, but Salesforce has yet to let us know who it will be. Could it be legends like the Rolling Stones, or maybe it's a newer superstar like Taylor Swift? Whoever it is I am sure it will be a great time.
#6 Ashton Kutcher
He plays a goofball on TV, but he is definitely not one when it comes to business. He is a co-founder of the venture capital firm A-Grade Investments and has investments in over 60 companies. Some are very prominent and include Skype and Airbnb. I am very excited to see what insights he has to share to us.
#5 Michelle Obama
Anytime you have the opportunity to hear someone speak with direct experience in the White House it’s a treat, regardless of what political side you fall on. In addition to being the First Lady for two presidential terms and a very successful lawyer, Michelle Obama has helped so many people with her efforts in children’s health, veteran support, higher education and women’s rights. It will be interesting to hear what she talks about.
#4 Networking
If you are going to Dreamforce, you will have one thing in common with the other 170K+ attendees: Salesforce. What an amazing and easy conversation starter, where you can meet people from around the world and network. This is also a great place to reconnect with old friends. I’m sure many long lasting relationships and new businesses have come from a meeting at Dreamforce.
#3 Marc Benioff and Parker Harris
I say this every year, but how many more times are we going witness two co-founders with such rapport like Marc and Parker entertain and educate us during the keynotes of Dreamforce? Marc is fully committed to making this world a better place, and I can only expect our time is limited before he does Philanthropy full time either via nonprofit work or getting into politics.
#2 Inspired to Learn
Salesforce continues to do a ton of work in helping enable people to learn Salesforce with the continued focus on Trailhead and growth of user groups and certifications. This year you will get access to over 2,700 sessions, hands-on trainings, certifications, and other educational opportunities, such as meeting with product managers or mingling with Salesforce MVPs. If you decided to get in early, you can even take pre conference certification courses.
#1 Inspired to Give Back
This will be my 8th Dreamforce, and though I love to hear about the new products or enhancements, I find myself most excited about the inspiration the event provides me. Every year we are touched by heartfelt stories that leave us crying with joy about how people and technology can do such good. I always feel inspired to do my part, and Dreamforce inspires me the whole year through.
Another Dreamforce and another top ten reasons to go. Please feel free to comment below, on the Salesforce Success Community, on our Facebook page, or directly at me on Twitter @Salvatoriello