Top 10 Arkus Blog Posts of 2016
Popularity can be hard, but not when it comes to websites; all I had to do was look at the statistics provided by Google Analytics. A quick click of the mouse, a filter or two, and here is the top 10 list for 2016 by reads.
#10 Dreamforce 16 is Over, Now What?
No surprise that Dreamforce is a popular topic and blog post, and Pete walks us through the highs of Dreamforce 16. I personally will remember Dreamforce 16 as my 10th in a row and the year Trailhead branding took over Salesforce.
#9 Salesforce Spring 16 Release Rapid Reaction
It feels a little strange talking about Spring 16 when Spring 17 has been released to all our production orgs. Spring is always an interesting release, sometimes the worst (Spring 14 anyone?) and sometimes the best (Spring 11 anyone?). Take a stroll down release lane with Justin.
#8 What is Omni-Channel for Salesforce?
Our second question in the top ten list? Yes. Yes it is. Holly covers the much loved, but not-very-well understood Omni-Channel. (Hint: It is part of the Service Cloud and bringing work to you whether you want it or not.)
#7 Spring 16 for Financial Services
No question here, this is a great blog post (if I do say so myself). Yes, we sometimes go industry specific in our release notes series, and this time I took on Financial Services. Spring was certainly in the air.
#6 Using Templates to Build Salesforce Communities
Salesforce Communities is another growing hot topic here on the Arkus blog, as we now cover it in detail from how-tos to release note reactions. Ashley brought us some insight into the great templates that everyone should know about.
#5 Improving Your Lead Assignment Logic with Declarative Round Robin
Breaking the top 5 is Holly's post about round robin lead assignment. It is one of those things that we get questions about all the time, isn't built into Salesforce, but does have a great AppExchange solution. Round and round you go, where you stop, only the blog will know.
#4 Salesforce Summer 16 Release Notes Rapid Reaction
Summer already? Well it was then and almost is now. Justin once again reacted in a rapid fashion to the release notes, calling out the ones that stuck out. Looking back, associating contacts with multiple accounts was still the big news in Summer.
#3 First Time Around Dreamforce
It is always someone's first time at Dreamforce (did I mention it was my 10th?). Shannon shared her experience from the newbie set of eyes, which is always a good read for those about to take the plunge. Dreamforce 17 is just around the corner.
Not sure if it was the Slack or the Chatter (probably Slack) but this post drew a lot of attention. It was retweeted by Slack and is still read pretty often, as the question gets asked more and more. Personally, while we at Arkus still use both, the line is sometimes hard to define.
#1 Comparing IDEs for Salesforce Development
This was the hands down most popular blog post of 2016 by far. I can still see Roger dancing around the office as he wrote it, totally excited by the topic and his execution of it. You can certainly read his passion in the post.
So that was the top ten list, without much ado. If you had a favorite of the bunch, leave that comment below, on our Facebook page, in the Success Community or Power of Us Hub or directly @JasonMAtwood