Ideas from Arkus Employees in Need of Votes Part 2
The IdeaExchange is a wonderful concept. It gives a real voice to the customer and in my opinion is the leading way in which Salesforce is a customer company. The IdeaExchange is a direct channel to the teams that manage all aspects of the products that make up Salesforce. Without the IdeaExchange there would be less transparency in understanding what features users are asking for across a variety of products on the Salesforce Platform.
Here at Arkus we take the IdeaExchange very seriously. We keep a running tally of all Ideas anyone has ever voted on and specifically ones that any employee submits. Below are some Ideas that we have submitted over time that could use some votes. So please check them out and click the little thumbs up icon to give these ideas a boost.
Quick Action for Shared Activities Should Work (by Justin Edelstein) - 100 Points
When Shared Activities were originally designed they did not have Actions in mind, clearly. Via the standard user interface for activities a user can add up to 50 Contacts or Leads to an Activity whether it be a task or an event. If you choose to go the route of using Quick Actions to create your Activities then you are only able to relate the Activity to one Contact or Lead. This is not a unified experience. More and more Actions are the way to add related data to the system so they should be able to do all the things that the standard interface allow for.
Allow for Customizing Chatter Group Header Background (by Jason Atwood) - 100 Points
Lightning gives us a nice new Chatter Group experience, but the background color and image are not customizable. It would be great to be able to edit/update these just like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Allow “Add to Campaign” button for Orders report type (by Roger Mitchell) - 100 points
This Idea really boils down to the fact that any report that can include a Lead or Contact ID in it should have the button on it to “Add to Campaign”. Hands down, mic drop, period, end of sentence.
Allow Customization of Fields for Merge (by Peter White) - 130 points
Have you ever used the standard Account Merge page? If so you know that it could sometimes be difficult to know if an Account is really a duplicate that needs to be merged because the results to be merged are all based on search. The search results page itself is not customizable and therefore it could be difficult to know if the Accounts are actually duplicates or perhaps just parent / child Accounts of each other. Note that I have already requested that this Idea be merged with the much larger and already under consideration Customize Columns on Step One of Merge Accounts. In case it doesn’t get merged by the time of this post go ahead and vote on both of them - double points!
Deploying Permission Sets with Objects and Fields (by Justin Edelstein) - 200 points
This Idea is all about deployments being made simpler. Any time you want to deploy a Permission Set you must include all of the components within that Permission Set be it a field or an object even if the field or object already exists in the target organization that you are deploying to. This makes very little sense to me, this validation should be done at deployment time and if the components already exist in the target the deployment shouldn’t fail. Obviously if the components do not exist in the target then I would expect a failure.
This post is a little self serving not only because I put two of my own ideas in it but also because they are all ideas that were created by Arkus employees. That being said, we deal with a lot of customers of Salesforce on a daily basis and most, if not all, of our ideas come from our interaction with those customers. We see a wide range of use cases in an even wider array of industries so we are well equipped to suggest new ideas for product managers to chew on.
I hope that this post inspires you to go ahead and post your own great ideas to the IdeaExchange for us to vote on. Hit us up in the outlets below and let us know some ideas you’d like for us to vote on.
Please feel free to comment below, on the Salesforce Success Community, on our Facebook page, or directly at me on Twitter @JustEdelstein.