Dreamforce 15 for Banking & Financial Services
It might be the end of summer but Dreamforce 15 is just around the corner. In the first part of a our many-part series on Dreamforce, we are taking a look at sessions and resources for those heading out to San Francisco from the banking and financial services industries.
Keynote: Precision is the Future of Financial Services
The best way to get started at Dreamforce is with a keynote so join Simon Mulcahy as he shares the vision of Salesforce on the future of Financial Services. These specific product and industry specific keynotes are becoming the real meat of the event so don't skip them this year.
Tear Down The Barriers That Block Cross-Selling At Your Bank
Sales sometimes starts from within so breaking down the silos in the bank is a great place to begin. Join this session to learn from Key Bank and Salesforce on best practices for increasing sales and filling the pipeline back in the banking industry.
You've Changed: Field Audit Trails and the Salesforce Time Machine
Security is always a concern for financial services and Salesforce has released a new suite of features in Salesforce Shield to help mitigate those concerns. Join Jonathan Bruce as he goes over the new benefits and features, including best practice on how to keep compliance officers happy and more importantly, out of your office.
Top Tips for Crushing Your Quota for the Year
While crushing a quota is not an industry specific goal, it is something that sales managers are always looking for some help with. Join a panel of speakers from HP, Salesforce and Docusign as they share their tips, tricks (and I am sure tools) on how to automate and dominate quotas.
Reinventing the Customer Experience in a Digital-First Banking World
Is your company holding back on the digital customer experience? Have you tried convincing, cajoling and begging management to let you embrace the new Salesforce technologies? If so, this might be the session for you. Join speakers from GE and Webster Bank as they lay out what can be done to build that one on one customer experience using the tools you might already own.
What sessions are you excited about? Feel free to post them to our Facebook page, leave in the comments below or directly at me @JasonMAtwood.