Cloud Computing Predictions for 2015
I might have to go to Vegas soon, because my predictions from last year were pretty darn good. From getting Salesforce.com rebrand to no iWatch sold in 2014, it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Even the predicted death of the NSA hype was spot on. Let's see what we can get right (or very wrong) for 2015.
Predicting the decline of something is just a matter of timing, but I think the time has come for Facebook to start to slide. Too much advertising, too many side projects and "Facebook for Business" seems like a desperate play, kinda like "Google for Pets". Expect to see the writing on the wall by the end of the year.
Confidence: 7
Free Stuff from Salesforce
The product mix of Salesforce just keeps growing and so does the paying, but like years past they will learn from their mistakes (lack of sales) and start to bake in more and more products into the core license. Next year, expect to see Work.com, Pardot and ExactTarget all get new features, highly integrated and included in the base price of the license (with upgrades of course).
Confidence: 6
Apple TV Dominance
I know people have been predicting the coming of an Apple TV for years, but I am putting it squarely in 2015. Not only will they release a new, very updated and massive shift in strategy for the Apple TV but it will blow the doors off of everything out there and will be an immediate success. It will sky rocket the share price to over $200 and will usher in the end of cable as we know it.
Confidence: 4
Google Enters CRM Market
There is too much money on the table and Google wants to be a part of it, so next year they will release a brand new CRM product, built into their Apps that will be the start to a big push into the market. It will have the basic CRM things to start, but will Google-fy it all with tight integration with Gmail and Drive/Docs which is where they will differentiate themselves from Salesforce.
Confidence: 3
Longest Shot: Global Warming Solved
This is the longest of long shots, and I don't mean solved as in fixed, but I think next year we see an invention or new scientific breakthrough that can reverse the damage we have done to the earth. Call it Kickstarter for the Planet and yes, it will be based on the power of cloud computing. We will all look back on Al Gore at DF14 and say we were there.
Confidence: 1
Have your own predictions? Throw them in the discussion below, in the Success Community or tweet them at me @JasonMAtwood