Salesforce.com Service Enhancements in Summer 14
The Summer 14 changes are enhancing many of the features discussed in the Spring 14 release. Agents will find that layouts are even more flexible to design, easier to navigate, and information is more accessible. This blog will highlight a few of these key features that really stood out as great enhancement for agents.
Case Feeds
As a Service Cloud agent, you will now more easily be able to adjust layouts to see more relevant information, access attachments that will help support the case, and identify and reach out to other agents that have been deemed experts.
Customize Case Feed Layouts in New Ways
Add the attachment Component to Case Feed
Increase Agent Collaboration & Productivity with Case Experts (Pilot)
Case feeds have resizable highlights panel and collapsable publisher giving agents the ability to show more relevant information and hide unnecessary information by simple click and drag. By being able to collapse the publisher when the page loads, you can now see more of the feed. You are also able to easily access attachments from the case on the case feed page: chatter files, attachments from emails, and related files attached to cases. Now, directly from topics on cases, agents can be endorsed as experts making it easier for agents to easily find the best support to help resolve cases. Then these expert agents can note themes in the types of questions they are helping to support and provide additional resources and solutions to the community of agents for quick and easy access.
Salesforce Knowledge
Searching just got a whole lot easier with Salesforce Knowledge. Summer 14 is providing additional ways to easily find related topics and articles.
Auto-Complete for Article Keyword and Title Searches
Search Synonym Groups More Easily
When keywords are entered, Knowledge provides a list of suggestions. There are two types of searches that can be done: auto-complete keyword search and auto-complete title search. When a word or phrase is entered, it can search for the popular key searches done in the Knowledge tab and show the top 3 and/or can show the matching title for up to 3 articles. With synonym searches, Knowledge will show the number of synonym groups containing that synonym (ie. you can type in cloud and it will pull all groups with cloud: 1. cloudy, day or 2. cloud, computing or 3. clouds, classifications). The synonym search box is always visible now so starting a search is much easier and does not require an additional step of having to show the filter first.
Salesforce Console for Service
The Salesforce Console for Service really allows you to have everything you need to provide support right in front of you. The Summer 14 release allows you to access and view more relevant case information and view the milestone tracker to track performance.
Related Lists as Console Components
Add Topics List and Milestone Tracker as Salesforce Console Components
The sidebar with the related list can now just show relevant information. So there will no longer be a need to scroll. You can categorize records by topic lists and the list will only shows topics associated with a case. You can also see the related list associated with a topic when you click on that topic. Previously viewable in the case feed layout (Spring 14 release), the milestones tracker can now show the milestones for the entitlement process related to a case within the console. The agents can see the progress of the milestone and mark when the milestone is complete.
Summer 14 is bringing us so many enhancements to the Service Cloud features. I was really only able to highlight a few. These updates to the Case Feeds, Service Console, Knowledge and the many other Service Cloud features are really going to help improve the efficiency of service agents.
If there are additional features in this release that are standing out to you, please feel free to comment below, on our facebook page, or directly at me on Twitter @sylviacabral44.