Salesforce.com Service Enhancements in Spring 14
Spring 14 introduces features that are providing even better real time support, giving support staff more efficient ways to find and access relevant information and allowing customers to have solutions right at their fingertips. Here are some of the the highlights of a few of these new features that really stood out to me.
Case Feeds
Agents have had to juggle capturing customer issues, finding relevant and timely solutions, and tracking all aspects of the calls. Case feeds have provided a great way to streamline this process and with this Spring 14 release there will be more tools to even better streamline their workflow.
- Drag and Drop Attachment in the Case Feed Email Publisher
- Resizable Message Pane in the Case Feed Email Publisher
- Add Custom Components to the Case Feed (ie. using a Visualforce page as a map component to locate a customer)
- Automatically Associate Outgoing Emails to Contacts
- Topics List Available as a Case Feed Sidebar Tool
These features will definitely reduce the amount of time it takes to work by allowing you to easily add attachments and have the flexibility of controlling how much information you are seeing within a message. They also provide quicker ways to access information, minimize steps by adding automation, and provide functionality to help better meet customer needs.
Knowledge Enhancements
Salesforce Knowledge has been a great way to provide and access certified information. Users are able to easily create and manage the articles as well as find and view them quickly. Customers and Partners can get access to this information through Customer and Partner portals. With the Spring release, there is a very exciting new feature called Knowledge One Widget that can be plugged right into the Salesforce Console for Service. This widget allows you to see the Knowledge features as part of that same user friendly interface in the console. So you can search, create and send articles without ever leaving the case itself. With this widget, published articles can be attached in just one click to a case and articles can be shared as a URL and emailed as PDF.
Salesforce Console for Service Enhancements
The Salesforce Console for Service is a great app that allows agents to manage cases and provide quality customer support. The console has been designed to have as much information at your fingertips as possible so that you can easy and quickly resolve issues. With this Spring release, the console will provide even more features to make life that much easier for you as the agent. Portions of the console can actually be moved with the Multi-Monitor Support feature. You will be able to literally move items (ie. tabs, custom components) to any part of your screen. This will give you more flexibility in how to layout information you need to support a customer.
There are so many great Service Cloud features coming our way. I really just touched on a few. These Case Feeds, Service Console, Knowledge and the many other Service Cloud features are really going to help improve how we relate to and work with our customers.
Please feel free to comment below, on our facebook page, or directly at me on Twitter @sylviacabral44.