Cloud Computing Predictions for 2014
I was pretty off last year going one for five and only really getting the streaming part right last year. A new year and a new set of predictions
Not Saying Anything (NSA)
A popular topic in 2013 was the logging of caller activity as a way to protect national security. Media outrage, backlash and blogging ensued but my prediction is this becomes a non issue by the middle of 2014. Privacy is a thing of the past, a theory before electronics, connected devices and the internet and will be replaced by a generation that doesn't believe in traditional privacy. Password leaks and hacks will become a weekly occurrence and like credit card theft will have easy measures to overcome.
Confidence: 5
Streaming Awards
I am fascinated by streaming TV which I am calling "The Golden Age of TV' and this year I predict that shows from streaming networks like Hulu and Netflix will start to dominate the awards shows. There will also be more and more networks moving away from the traditional cable model with my hope of HBO being one of the first.
Confidence: 7
Salesforce Rebrands
It has been a long time since "CRM" was the only product offering of Salesforce and the dot-com era has come and gone (twice). This year Salesforce will do a corporate rebrand from top to bottom dropping both Sales and .com to just become Force. May it be with all of us.
Confidence: 4
Google Buys Evernote & Dropbox
Throwing out an outlandish corporate buy out is a staple of this yearly post and this one is just for fun. Dropbox and Evernote align with Google's mission and are competitors with great technology platforms. Personally neither would be good for the market, but that doesn't stop corporate takeovers.
Confidence: 3
Wearables Wait
A lot of hype in wearable computers in 2013 and the prediction that wearables will be the next big thing is just too easy to make so I will make the opposite. While fitness trackers and some watches that have expanded functionality will continue to be popular, they won't have mass appeal and they will continue to just be extensions of smartphones not replacements. Things like Google Glass will need a re-haul and the iWatch will not be sold in 2014. The technology hasn't crossed the gender appeal so will remain a small factor.
Confidence: 8
Have your own predictions? Throw them in the discussion below on our Facebook page or tweet them at me @JasonMAtwood