Salesforce Foundation Power of Us Hub
In July of 2013 the Salesforce Foundation launched the Power of Us Hub. Salesforce has always provided ways for their customers to collaborate and find useful information with the Success Community and Dreamforce Portal. For first time Foundation customers these resources might have seemed a bit intimidating. With the Power of Us Hub, Foundation customers new and old have a centralized place to go to collaborate with their peers and find useful information about Salesforce and it’s uses within the non profit space. Here is quick rundown of the Power of Us Hub and how to get started.
Reasons to Join
Connection with other Foundation Customers
Collaborate on Best Practices and Solutions
Questions and Answers
Join Groups
How to Join
One of the really nice things about the Hub is it is easy to join. If you are a nonprofit customer of Salesforce, all you have to do is go to the Hub Login Page and log in with your existing Salesforce login credentials. The first time you login you will see a link to update your profile (remember to add a photo) and a place to ask questions. There is also a list of suggested groups you can join. If you are familiar with Salesforce Chatter this will feel very at familiar.
Key Features
The two main features of the Hub are the ability to join groups and ask questions to other members of the community. First let’s start with groups. Within the first month of it’s existence, there has been over 50 groups created focusing on a variety of topics ranging from industry and location to job postings. Some are private and you need to request access from the Group Coordinator and some are public where anyone can join. It’s an easy and fun way to collaborate with your peers.Second is the questions and answers. Salesforce’s best customer service representatives are their own customers. Like the Success Community, anyone with access to the Hub can ask a question to the community. You can follow a question and even what is even cooler is the ability to flag an answer as the “Best Answer” which saves you from having to go through every post. The Q&A section is very easy to use and is completely searchable.
The Power of Us Hub seems to be taking off and I am very excited to see how it evolves. There are rumors of more cool features to come like a Knowledge Section which I am sure will be great for anyone starting with Salesforce. If you haven’t done so already, go join and feel free to ping me when you are in there. I love to meet new people in the community.
If you would like to discuss further tweet at me at www.twitter.com/Salvatoriello or comment below.